Vision Statement
"Be the most trusted funeral supplier to more families by providing an honest product , at an honest price , with honest service. "

Honest Family Player
Being an "honest family player" means becoming a part of a work family, not just simply another name or number at a larger corporation. It means exhibiting a team player mentality in the sense that you assist others within the organization with the same intention of honesty and integrity just as if they were a part of your own family.

Being caring applies to our work family, our customers, and anyone else who the company holds a relationship with. Our company, or anyone who represents us is expected to uphold the pinnacle standard of being considerate, mindful, helpful, and empathetic - all things we believe make up the word caring.

Being knowledgeable is a vital key to success both at Thacker, and also personally. Thacker aims to have the most knowledgeable team. Having a well-rounded understanding of not only our company, but also our customers and our industry, allows Thacker to become a trusted resource to its customers.

Despite the relatively stagnant, stable state of the funeral supply industry as compared with other industries, Thacker continues to grow its business through a fierce competitive drive. Being competitive means anyone, no matter the position becomes an active contributor in pursuit of all wins - big or small!

Being a go-getter means setting lofty personal and professional goals, having a defined plan on how to achieve those goals, and an apparent effort in working towards them. Exhibiting these self-starter qualities allows those who work at Thacker to experience continual progress and be a valued part of the team.

Being flexible in approach is the last essential ingredient to our core values. The time constraints placed on the funeral industry require that many activities are done at just a moment's notice. Thus, success is dependent on the ability to adjust, adapt, evolve, and change whether that be for a short interim period or for the long term.